Tuesday, June 19, 2007

And now for something deeply geeky.

This figure shows Abram's weight in pounds as a function of time in days after birth. He is currently 32 days old. The data points mark measurements at birth, at our discharge from the hospital, and at our first, second, and third appointments with the pediatrician. Our next appointment is at 67 days. The solid blue curve is a natural cubic spline fit to the data with an extrapolation. The dashed red curve is a linear fit to the last two data points. The green square marks the expectation that he will gain roughly 1 ounce per day. Which of these is the best estimate for Abram's weight in another 35 days? [This is of the utmost importance because we have been told that a baby's weight is tied to his or her ability to sleep through the night.] [The open blue squares mark his most recent weight measurements.]

with mom. from gma.

post-bath with ducky towel.