Friday, November 11, 2011

batman song.

recently heard at our house:

ajt, singing, full volume:

batman can see in the dark, batman can see in the da-a-a-ark.
ba-atman can see in the da-a-ark, batman can see in the dark!
batman can see in the dark, batman can see in the da-a-a-ark.
ba-atman can see in the da-a-ark, batman can see in the dark!
repeat x 10.

i lo-o-ove batman! batman can see in the da-a-a-a-a-a-ark.
i lo-o-ove batman! batman can see in the da-a-a-a-a-a-ark.

ajt to daddy: do you see how i give it different motions when i sing it, different shapes?

1 comment:

Barbara said...

This is very interesting. Do you think he'll remember it well enough for our visit? G'ma and G'pa want to hear it.